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  • Why do we keep saying "Thots and Taters"?
    You might notice that we sign off each episode with the phrase "Thots and Taters". It is absolute nonsense, we agree! This came from a text exchange in which Abby was wishing Katy "thoughts and prayers" in a tongue in cheek kind of way. The text did what the text does, and an autocorrect formulated the phrase "thoughts and taters", to which Katy responded with "thots and taters to you, too". This was so ridiculous, it has become our regular blessing towards each other. And now, it is a blessing from us to our lovely listeners. A big thanks and Thots and Taters to you all!
  • Who is Pants?
    "Pants" is Abby's long-term partner, Adam. The nickname "Pants" started the way most nicknames begin. Adam's friends referred to him only as his last name, "Parker". When Abby began dating Adam, she jokingly and lovingly started calling him "Parker Pants". As all good nicknames, this evolved into "Pants" So.... Adam>Parker>Parker Pants>Pants. Thus was the creation of "Pants".
  • Are you girls expats or travellers?
    The short answer is that we are both at different times. Once we settled into our lives after completing full-time travel, both Abby and Katy separately fell into a slow-travel pace, which eventually evolved into a love of "home-bases". We both like the lifestyle of choosing a city where we can stay for at least 6+months. This has afforded us the opportunity to have an apartment, grow a community, and live a normal-ish lifestyle. From these home-bases, we both frequently travel to other cities and countries in the region. Sometimes Abby & Katy have shared a home-base city, other times we have been located in other countries throughout the years.
  • How long have you girls been living/traveling abroad?
    Abby & Pants have been adventuring abroad since 2015, and Katy has been away since 2016.
  • Are you returning back to the USA any time soon?
    In a random twist of fate, both Abby & Katy both separately made the decision to move back to the USA, to "repat", in the summer of 2024. For more info, check out our episode on our podcast.
  • Is this podcast for females only?
    We definitely are female-forward for the sisters, but also for the allies who support women. We love people from all orientations and genders. We strive to keep our community inclusive, while not giving a voice to toxic 'hot takes" that are alienating for anyone. While we may discuss cultural differences, this is not the place for division, rather is is meant to be a place of unity and appreciation for each other.
  • Any Funny Language Mishaps?
    We are absolutely fascinated by different cultures and often find ourselves in amusing and perplexing situations around the world that leave us laughing. This cultural exchange goes both ways. Despite our best efforts, neither of us is fluent in a second language. We've picked up bits and pieces of many languages, but we often make hilariously embarrassing mistakes when trying to speak them. One day, we'll dedicate an episode to our language fails—there are some famous ones! We fully recognize how fortunate we are to be native English speakers. Every day, we interact with and teach people who impressively communicate with us in their second (or third, or fourth) language. We have immense respect for anyone who speaks multiple languages! In recounting our stories, we often reenact the funny moments we've shared with people. This sometimes involves imitating everyone from each other, our friends, and even humorous lost-in-translation moments from our travels abroad. We do this out of love and respect for these people and places. Trust us, we are not making fun of anyone. In fact, we are often the ones making the bigger, sillier mistakes when we attempt to speak another language. We are the classic clueless foreigners who just don't get it! We cherish seeing the world through fresh eyes each day, and the funny and confusing experiences we encounter are part of what we love about traveling. This is why our "vacation" has stretched on for 8-9 years!
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